Sunday, July 28, 2013

Are people aware of their "lack of actions" ....

You walk down a hallway and make eye contact to the person walking towards you, you give a friendly smile or maybe even dare to say hello. What does the other person do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Possibly look at you in fear? Or, just stare at you and continue on their merry way.  How about Facebook? Have you written a group email lately?  Ever notice that it tells you who has read it and when? I did this just the other day.  I invited a group of girls to come have a fun evening out, trying only to invite those who I think would be wonderful company.  One person took the time to actually respond.  This is not something I do often, it's quite rare actually.  So, how hard would it have been to just say anything. Busy or not, just take the time to give the other person the respect that they deserve.  "Hey, thanks for asking. Not interested, but thanks for thinking of me."  I mean, what that took me about 40 seconds (at maximum) to type. Now, don't get me wrong, sometimes I've been on my phone and looked at something and then responded a day or two later (probably because I had to check with others to see if I can coordinate plans). 

This just offends me.  When you have taken the time to say, hey let me do something out of my way for someone else -saying hi, inviting them, going to their house versus staying home, doing for someone else and you get NO thanks.  What is it in people that drives them to think that they are so thoughtless in their lack of response?  Too busy? Too self involved?  What does that do to my relationship with you as a friend.  I mean strangers walking by and not saying hi, is just as bad - but you don't know them personally (well maybe you see them every day in passing, but don't know them.. which that's another whole story :OP).  Is it in their own mind disconnecting with you because they aren't interested in hanging with you to begin with?  If that's the case, jeesh, just move on! De-friend me. 

I have a person in my life who I am currently torn between in deciding what exactly she is to me.  Is she a friend, is she a coworker, is she a "par-time" friend?  I am so confused when it comes to this girl.. One day she's all perky and in your face (doesn't understand that 3 feet of personal space AT ALL).   Other days, she walks by and looks right at me and I say hi, and she says nothing. Hey, I get it, long day at work or crappy life, whatever it is.. but at some point it really doesn't kill to say hello.  Maybe in a non-perky manner, at least then I know she's not in the best of moods.  It's like in some ways I'm her friend of convenience, if it suits her to be nice to me "that day" then she makes an added effort, but at other times she's cold and a grump.  Maybe I'm answering my own question in writing this! If I do something nice for her, she just accepts it - no thanks, no hey I appreciate the effort.. remind me why I did it again..? 

I don't think people are aware of what not doing something can do for people around you, especially your friends and family.  Ever had that friend who always wants you to come to their place, their events, but then if you invite they can't make it or are busy doing other things. Really? EVERY S-I-N-G-L-E time? Again, the lack of effort eventually is noted.  Just sayin'.

It takes effort.  Often, even if you don't want to, the extra effort is required to continue something that's going good.  Whether it's a stranger that you're walking past, or a friend, or a partner, or a child, or an animal (yes, dagnabit, animals know that you don't pet them and give them attention too people, they have hearts :O).) 

You're always taught on what you should do, should say, how you should be.. but I think it is also crucial to understand that a lack of action on your behalf is also a practice that needs to be considered. 

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